Discover PRSNTR

World-class presentation coaching at your fingertips

Be prepared
Skills to build your presentation content and structure

Be confident
Empowering you to develop professional delivery skills

Be prepared… be confident!

prsntr is a cloud-based, interactive tool that uses AI and machine learning to assist you in the preparation and delivery of professional presentations.

Remote access, anywhere, anytime.

Icon Personalised

Use AI, for your own personalised feedback on your delivery skills

Icon Remote

Have remote access, at home, office or on the go

Icon Steps

Prepare and customise your presentation in 3 easy steps

Eliminates nerves, saves preparation time and improves confidence

Discover the inner presenter in you

3 easy steps to become a brilliant presenter


Step1 Structure

Structure to improve clarity


  • Gets your content ready
  • Helps you work out what to say
  • Ensures you stay on topic and your content flows


Step2 Listen

Hear what your audience hears


  • Reads your presentation to you
  • Allows you to hear what the audience will hear
  • Allows you to make changes if required


Step3 Rehearse

Rehearse in your own private space


  • Records you rehearsing your presentation
  • Provides personalised feedback on your eye contact, voice, gestures and confidence
  • Shows you how to improve your delivery skills

Empower confidence